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Realm of Senses is a Sensory Textile project between Art, Design and Sustainability as driver of innovation for Interior and Public Spaces in a multi-sensory dialogue between souls.

Manuela blends her passion for textile art with the tactile emotions of the wind that comes from her hometown in Sicily and the love for gemstones that in her textile artworks she translated in transparency and colours. "I create textile works that dance with the wind, I was a ballet dancer and for me each creation is a tribute to life, to freedom and to love".


The scope of her project is defining a common thread between Art, Textile and Sustainability, Interior and Public Spaces and offer to humans a new way to create emotional experiences and restorative moments.

The aim of Realm of Senses focuses on reusing, recycling and upcycling old clothes, leftover fabrics and reinventing them into textile artworks.

Old curtains, Indian saree and reused fabrics are transformed into architecture, amorphous sculptures, and wearables.Using leftover and reused fabrics she creates “Sensory” and immersive experiences as textile art installations for private and public spaces that invite humans to sit and to breathe, to feel the space outside and inside themselves.

The space where we live becomes an hanging garden in a “Present” that is already the “Future” between senses and memories, in a meditation space. 


welcome to my
realm of senses

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